On-rack Filecoin Miner

On-rack Filecoin Miner

38.888,00 $
Impuestos incluidos
Model On-rack Filecoin Miner (Storage Server)
Algorithm | Cryptocurrency FIL
Effective Storage capacity 430TiB
Hashrate 4300TiB
Miner size Height 176mm x Width 481mm x Depth 825mm
Gross weight (including: host machine, packaging box, slide rail, accessory box) 67kg
Operation temperature,°C 5°C to 35°C
Storage temperature,°C With packaging: -40°C to +70°C; Without packaging: -40°C to +55°C
Operating humidity 10% to 90% R.H.
Storage humidity With packaging: 10% to 93% R.H.; Without packaging: 10% to 93% R.H.
CPU Intel_Xeon(R)_Silver4210R*1
Power 280W
Memory DDR4_32GB_2933MHz_RDIMM*3
System disk 480G_SSD_SATA3*2
Data disk 16T_HDD_SATA3*36
Network card 2 ports, 10Gb/s Fiber Optic Interface with 1 module.
Power supply 1200W*2

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